Monday, January 26, 2009

Bande à part

The National Association for Music Education is the largest education organization in the country that you have probably never heard of. That may be because they have a weird acronym (MENC) which does not match their name or mission statement anymore for some historical reason which they earnestly try to explain on their website...but my attention span is so short... two three four one two three four...

Anyway, the organization itself is terrific. They nurture and support future music teachers and represent artists at all levels of teaching from preschool to graduate school. They have a long track record.

...shimmy shimmy snap...shimmy shimmy snap...

The MENC online forums where artists can exchange resources and information about jobs and other opportunities are in the process of being updated but they are active and you if you are interested in that sort of thing, you know like getting a job in your chosen field, you should check it out.

I was reading over there and then I fell in love with Jean Luc Godard all over again because I was multi-living.

Watch and learn the dance at the same time. That's what I've been doing:

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